Adult Pinewood Derby® Racing at Hammock Preserve in Sarasota, FL
Second Annual HP Pintwood Pro® Derby Grand Prix Race is Feb 26, 2022
The 2022 HP Grand Prix Derby is open for everyone 2 to 102 years old! Anyone can assemble a car with our simple Five-Minute Pintwood Pro® Derby Car Kit (see below). Although the event is primarily for adults, we're excited to add LEGO® Derby racing so our community kids can get in on the fun.
So, buckle up and start your engines! Our next date is Feb 20th where we pre-weigh your car to be sure it is under 5.0 oz, we will lubricate your axles, and you can do test runs on our 35' track. Meet at the bocce courts starting at 1:00. It's not to late to get a car kit. Pick up a car kit on the 20th or just stop by to see what the fun is all about. The Race Team will be there to answer questions and show you how to assemble your car—in five minutes, guaranteed!
I will publish news and updates on this page, so check back often.
Get started now:
Step 1: Click to Register
Step 2: Pick up your car kit on Feb 20th (or contact me anytime to pick up a kit)
Questions? Email joegargiulo22 @ or call Joe or Nancy Gargiulo at 203 209 0017.
Check Out This Cool Video from Our 2020 Race!
Our first community race in 2020 was an adult Pintwood Pro® Grand Prix derby race for Hammock Preserve, Sarasota residents (plus a few special guests). About 75 people attended. We raced 30 cars in two racing classes: PRO and STOCK.
2020 Pintwood Pro® Grand Prix Derby collage

Join Us for the 2022 Pintwood Pro® HP Grand Prix Derby Race!
Dates and Latest News:
- Feb 20, 1-3PM: Track will be OUTDOORS on the bocce court. Pre-weigh your car, and pre-check your car. Our experts will tune up your Pinewood Xerby car, lubricate your axles so your car is FAST, and pre-weigh it to be sure it is under 5.0 oz. Kids - I will have a box of random LEGO® parts to build (or add to) your car. If you don't have a car kit, pick one up ($10).
- Feb 26, 6-8PM: Race Day at the bocce courts! Spectators welcome.
- NEW! Kids (or kids at heart): build a car from LEGO® parts using our special LEGO® Derby chassis and snap-in zinc brick weights. You can build a cool LEGO® Derby race car in a snap!

How the Race Will Be Conducted
To make the races fair, we created three Race Classes: LEGO, STOCK, and PRO. Cars will compete in their Race Class.
Each car will race down each lane of our 3-lane track, so your car will race in three heats, randomized by our race management software. The times are averaged and ranked to determine the fastest three cars.
The fastest three cars will then race against each other in three heats, with each car racing once on each lane to determine the fastest car.
Aside from speed prizes, we will also have design prizes... so make your car look cool!
- LEGO® DERBY CLASS: The LEGO® car kit consists of the pre-assembled car chassis with custom nickel plated axles and speed wheels. Just build your car on top of the car chassis. To make your car fast, you need weight, so each kit comes with four snap-on zinc bricks that weigh .33 oz each. Use these weights and any other LEGO parts to make a cool LEGO Derby car that weighs 5.0 oz or less. LEGO® Derby cars will race against other LEGO® derby cars. Any standard LEGO® parts can be used to assemble a cool LEGO® Derby car.
- STOCK CAR CLASS: The STOCK Class cars are all built from the "five minute car kit" which consists of a wedge shaped car and a stick-on weight. NOTE: STOCK cars can only use the stick-on weights in your kit! If you add any other type of weights, your car will be moved to the PRO Class.
- PRO CAR CLASS: The PRO class of cars are designed, cut, and shaped from the full 7" block of pine wood. PRO cars can be any shape and use any weights.

Prizes for Speed and Design!
- The fastest three cars in each class (LEGO®, STOCK, and PRO) will receive a prize. The overall winner in each class will also get their picture posted on our plaque in the club house, AND their names will be engraved on a plate (like on the Stanley Cup!).
- Make your car design cool... we will award design awards too!
Please Read Your Race Rules Before Building Your Car
- We will use these rules for the LEGO Derby: LEGO Derby Race Rules
- We will use these rules for the Pintwood Derby: Basic Pinewood Derby Rules
Hammock Preserve is located in the Palmer Ranch section of Sarasota, FL
Pintwood Pro® is a registered trademark of Pinewood Pros, LLC
Pinewood Derby® is a registered trademark of the Boy Scouts of America.
LEGO® is a registered trademark of the LEGO Group
Pinewood Pro is not in any way affiliated with Boy Scouts of America or the LEGO Group.