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Pinewood Pro Derby Car Instruction Sheets Guide

Access detailed Pinewood Pro instruction sheets for building your Pinewood Derby car.

Joe Gargiulo
October 26, 2021
Pinewood Pro Blog

Instructions for Pinewood Pro Products

Green is Good!

Pinewood Pro is doing our best to be a green company.  One simple way to be green is to put all our instruction sheets and assembly guides for our products online.  Listing them here, rather than printing them, serves two purposes:

  1. Reduces printing and paper waste.
  2. Customer convenience.  All our instruction sheets are in one place so you can refer back to them at any time.

We welcome your input and suggestions to make Pinewood Pro a greener and more socially conscious company.  Every little bit helps us all.

Painted Car Kits

Pre-painted, pre-weighted pinewood derby car kits include polished BSA axles, lightly-lathed BSA wheels, a PRO wheel spacer tool and a PRO axle inserter guide.

quick assembly car kits

Unpainted Car Kits

Unpainted designer car body kits include polished BSA axles, lightly-lathed BSA wheels, flex weights, a PRO wheel spacer tool and a tube of PRO graphite.

unpainted pinewood derby car kits

Primed pre-weighted Lazer Car Kit

The Lazer car is pre-cut, pre-weighted and the car body is primed, so you can paint it your favorite color.

lazer pinewood derby car kit

LOW COST BSA wedge car kit

Pintwood Pro BSA Wedge Car Kit

Drilled BSA wedge speed car kit

Kit includes drilled wedge car with raised wheel option, 3 oz stick-on flex weights, polished BSA axles, lathed BSA wheels, PRO Graphite and a wheel spacer tool.

BSA Wedge Car Kit

Low Cost Car Kit with Faster, non-BSA Axles and Wheels

Uncut car block kit with high-speed PRO Wheels and PRO Axles (faster than BSA!). NOTE: This kit is not legal in Cub Scout BSA races.

non-BSA Pintwood derby car kit

Pre-cut pinewood derby car kits

Pre-cut, unpainted pinewood derby car kits include everything you need to make a BSA compatible car.

pre-cut pinewood derby car kit

BULK Packed 8 pinewood derby car kits

Bulk packed derby car kits include the pinewood block, Pinewood Pro's PRO wheels, and PRO nickel plated axles.

non-BSA Pintwood derby car kit

Speed Products

Products to increase your car speed

Nyoil pinewood derby oil lubricant
  • Instructions for NyOil II, a thin film oil lubricant - cleaner and easier to use than graphite.
derby wheel bore polishing kit
Pinewood Derby Track Rentals Available Now by Pinewood Pro
High Performance Lathed Pinewood Derby Car Wheels | Pinewood Pro